
Monday, 27 June 2016

Subtracting - using your tidy ten knowledge


  1. Hi Raewen-Eve!

    Happy holidays :) I hop e that you are having a great time with your family and friends I see from your 'About Me' section that you have a brother and sisters. Wow, you are so lucky! I only have one sister so there were far fewer people to play with over the holidays when I was younger.

    Speaking of the holidays, if you have time I would love to have you join our Winter Learning Journey programme. There are tons of fun activities to complete and you can earn points each time you blog! To join, simply log onto the Winter Learning Journey site, click on the 'Weekly Activities' tab and choose an activity that interests you.

    I'll check back tomorrow to see if you've had time to join the journey!

    Cheers, Rachel

  2. HI there I will love to do that thank you

  3. HI there I will love to do that thank you
